Fensterfabrik Albisrieden Secured On-Time
Deliveries in Multi-Site Operations

On-time deliveries


Window Manufacturing & Constructions


Lack of production visibility, large data variety, paper-based processes, On-time deliveries, multi-site operations 


3 months (From Kick-off to Go-Live)


35% More On-Time Deliveries
↓ Significant reduction in paper usage
+ Cross-site collaborations


Fensterfabrik Albisrieden AG specialises in producing high-quality windows, known for their precision and durability.

As part of a multi-location operation, the company manages both the assembly of window components and the production of individual parts.

To maintain continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, Fensterfabrik Albisrieden recognised the need for a more efficient and transparent production system.

On-time deliveries


Lack of Visibility into Production Processes
Tracking production progress relied on manual methods, such as daily walkthroughs and paper-based documentation. This made it challenging to get real-time updates on order statuses, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Complexity in Scheduling and Prioritisation

Absence of a structured system for prioritising tasks added to the complexity of managing production. Critical jobs were often delayed because there was no reliable way to identify and focus on the most important tasks, especially during unexpected changes in production schedules.

Complexity in Product Data Management
The products come in a vast range of sizes, materials, and styles, making it difficult to manage production data effectively using article-based tracking. This variability often led to disorganised workflows and challenges in aligning resources.

Limited Data Accessibility
Employees lacked easy access to up-to-date information, as production data was stored in physical formats, making it harder to maintain consistency across teams and locations.


Fensterfabrik Albisrieden AG implemented the planeus planning system with key features and outcomes included:

Process-Centric Data Management
planeus introduced a goal-oriented planning system, enabling the company to manage workflows and resources more efficiently despite the wide variety of their products.

Real-Time Production Monitoring
The system provided a live overview of future production progress, allowing managers to track orders and workstation statuses effortlessly.

Streamlined Task Management
The system allowed for easy and digitalised import of customer data, orders, and special requirements, ensuring tasks could be adjusted dynamically without disrupting workflows.

Centralised Access to Data
By equipping workstations with tablets and PCs, employees could access the necessary information anytime, improving coordination and reducing errors.

Visualised Workload Distribution
With clear visual representations of workstation capacities, the company could better allocate resources and prevent bottlenecks.


Fensterfabrik Albisrieden AG saw significant improvements after implementing planeus, including:

• On-Time delivery rate increased by 35%
• Simplified data management

• Cross-location integration
• Quicker training for planners and workers


The company continues to leverage planeus to optimise its production processes further. By embracing a digital-first approach, the company is well-positioned to maintain its high-quality standards while driving operational excellence across all locations.

“planeus has transformed the way we manage production. With a more transparent and efficient system, we’ve seen remarkable improvements in delivery reliability and overall performance. Its process-centric and multi-location capabilities have been game-changers for us.”
Michael Wirth
General Manager

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